A Path to Sustainability

Current models are unscalable

Most launchpads have only a single utility for their token inside the model. Which is to earn allocation positions in pre-sales. This is often laid out in a tiered structure depending on how many tokens the user has staked. The higher tiers having a large chance at receiving IDO allocation as well as a larger allocation amount in general.

The issue is that; as the value of the token rises as well as the market cap, these tiers can start getting fairly expensive (some entry IDO tiers in the bull market were 20k for the chance at a 100 dollar allocation) This might work in a parabolic bull market where everything is going 100x, but in slower markets and in general is not sustainable or scalable.

Early users eventually want to take profit, new users can’t afford to get in, and when the launches slow down due to market conditions, combined with tokens emissions starting to unlock it all unravels fairly fast.

As a platform, a decent amount of tokens staked is ideal. In most other types of platforms involving staking, you would increase your customer base/number of stakers and that dollar per staker would not need to be as high.

But in an IDO platform, if you increase the base of stakers, then the chances of a user getting into an IDO drops as well. Many platforms struggle to get above 500 mill market cap at most because new users cannot easily come in after a certain point and the thing gets top heavy.

You could increase the size of the funding rounds as well as the number of allocated spots to combat this. And this likely has to be done anyway as your customer base grows. But it does not always work in practice, as the funding amount depends on the launching project demands and market conditions.

Certain platforms such as Trust Swap have released Token amount x time locked models to factor for users with smaller amounts of tokens who are willing to commit long term for more chances of getting into rounds, as well as receiving a higher weighting of the yield.

This by itself is not the full solution to this dilemna.

This model is how we have approached this issue and will expand in more details soon now that have laid out most of the context.

The overarching fixes to this issue in our model are:

  • Build out a launch ecosystem where the token has multiple issues across various platforms/products.

  • Add the time lock x staking model, but allow for earlier exits through an NFT so users have more chance of being liquid. Staking

  • Give users a weighting option when staking their token so they can choose whether they want more exposure to yield or to IDO participation. (This allows to increase the staker base without every user clogging the IDO participation chances) Staking & Locking Technicals (Originally yield will come from emissions, but have built a model so real yield scales as the platform expands and more projects are launched) We understand that yield isn’t everything, especially in a down market, but the weighting enables users to give up most of that yield in favour of IDO participation, leaving more in the pool for users who are more yield-inclined.

  • Work on the allocation distribution model inside the IDO round so that users get more of a fair shot and don’t feel they are missing every IDO, this enables the expansion of the customer base while still giving users more of a fair shot at rounds. This also accounts for filtering the most quality and active users, users with good onchain history and social engagement will have higher chances of participation and allocation.Social Boosts and Handicaps

This modelling may seems more complex at the back end, but at the front end we will keep it more simplified to enable for greater UX experience, and be more friendly to novice users.

Last updated